
Lisa Archer

My passion for animals started at a very young age. Growing up with lots of animals including dogs, cats, horses, cows, goats and chickens. I was fortunate enough to be able to love, care and appreciate them all.

When I adopted my first Greyhound in 2013, he had never experienced living in a home environment. He struggled to settle in, and I found it hard seeing him suffer. There was so much conflicting information out there about how I could help him. It was difficult navigating the inconsistent amount of information I read and received, and some of it did not sit well with me.

I was fortunate enough to locate someone who imparted some helpful training advice, coupled with this information and the tools I needed, I was able to help him settle and overcome his behavioural struggles. The difficulties I encountered as a guardian of a rescue dog is the reason I wanted to pursue a career in Companion Animal Behaviour and Training.

In 2022 I graduated as an accredited dog trainer completing a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services with the Delta Institute.

At Dog Geek we assist guardians and their families with science based behaviour training and advice, using positive reinforcement techniques.